Wednesday, August 30, 2006

School or military camp?

Well Japanese schools continue to amaze me. The students are continually coming in and out of the teachers room and acting quite chummy with the teachers. Today however was the opening ceremony and I was able to view the drill team aspect. Each class has a special order that they line up in grade one (= 7) lined up alphabetically but each line had a different amount and boys and girls were never in the same line. Grade 2(8) was by the place they sat in the classroom and grade 3 was by height and they boys and girls were never in the same line. Before sitting down however the head teacher called out a command and they assumed the at ease position in the military and then they snapped back. They then measured the space in front of them and to the side with their arms and all sat assuming the same position with knees up and feet together.

Speaking of the opening ceremony, I had to give a speech. I was lead to believe it was quite a formal ceremony and a teacher had mentioned something about dressing up, so I did and I was concerned when I left the house this morning that I wasn't dressy enough but I didn't feel like wearing a suit jacket. I show up at the ceremony and the head teacher is wearing his usual sweats and t-shirt and the other female teachers are wearing khakis and short sleeved polos. I guess that is dressing up?

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