My swing is a little rusty!
Kanazawa is know as the "little Kyoto" meaning it has a lot of culture and history. Unfortunately the day we had for touring around was pretty dreary and rainy. We saw a few sites however. Kanazawa castle is no longer standing but a few of it's gates and towers remain so we had a chance to view them. To be honest, thus far my experience in Japan is if you have seen one castle you have seen them all. Don't get me wrong I love castles and all the history surrounding them but they are pretty much all the same. Himeji was definitely the best preserved but even so it was still a building with few adornments. Historically the Japanese decorated with hanging scrolls, beautifully painted screens and curtains but not much of this remains and is never set up in the castles like it would have been, end my rant on castles.
We also went to a temple (where photography was not allowed) nicknamed the ninja's temple. It's history has nothing to do with ninjas but the many different secret stairways, trap doors, secret rooms and other such trickeries caused it to received it's nickname. We were exhausted after walking in the rain and didn't have a chance to visit the geisha districts in Kanazawa. I hear next to Kyoto they are the best!