Crazy Paul showed up and we had a great talk about maritime music and all thing Canadian. He never fails to goof off for the camera.
Ate a whack load of edamame that night. Instead of peanuts the Japanese eat edamame (which apparently is soybean) with beer. At first I thought it strange but now I love them! Plus it makes you feel as though you are becoming healthier drinking and eating vegetables. Not sure how well it would go over in North America...cauliflower and beer not such a good combination I think.

On Saturday Misael and I went snowboarding to a little skijo named Wakabuna. It was a great little place that was perfect for my training wheels. It was a little chilly and the snow was quite icy but it was a great day nonetheless. After the blizzard in Kagura I was not optimistic about a future with me and snowboarding co mingling but I feel much better after Wakabuna. Misael claims he doesn't like the wind on his face but I think he enjoys looking like a gangsta!