We had been practicing taiko for a month for Tadashi's wedding and Evan and I were pretty excited, although Evan was also quite nervous because he had missed alot of practices gallivanting in Vietnam. We were hoping to see a Japanese wedding up close and personal but unfortunately the complete opposite was true. First it was a farcical version of a western wedding held in this greco roman style building. The groom wore a grey suit with a bright pink shirt, a grey and pink checked cravat, and a beautiful pink stone necklace. He also had high shoes on so he was taller than his bride. Now his bride was wearing a bright pink wedding dress with the most ruffles I have ever seen on a human being. Following closely behind her was a personal beautician armed with a belt of hair instruments, makeup and a spritz bottle. If that is not enough little children were running around in outfits that belonged in an early 19th century boarding school. The little boys had on long shorts with suspenders and knee socks and the girls matched with little pleated skirts. Not only was the wedding not very Japanese but we didn't even have the chance to see it. We were pretty much the hired entertainment and were ushered away as soon as we finished. We were suppose to attend the after party and that was a slight consolation but we ended up playing late and had to take the drums home. The after party was only two hours from 5:30 - 7:30 so we missed the whole thing. We had hotel rooms in the city so we went out drank, ate and sang the night away. 

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