Tuesday, March 27, 2007

fuyu fubar

Jim had his 3rd annual fuyu fubar party at his swanky pad. Fuyu is spring in Japanese and fubar is an acronym for getting drunk that I will not relay at this time. Anyhow, basically a big potluck to celebrate the end of winter and beginning of spring. I decided to make taco salad which turned out surprisingly well except I had to crush up taco shells because I couldn't find taco chips and you can't find cheese graters in this country so Scott and Noriko shave blocks of cheese by hand. God knows I was not going to do it. I decided I was going to bring my educator skills to the party and teach the Japanese (and Americans) some good ol' fashion Saskatchewan drinking games. It has been a long time for me but I dredged my memory for the rules to pyramid. The Nihonjin were not very good at lying or catching others in a lie which made for much drinking on their part. Aiko is almost purple in this picture. There is apparently a medical explanation for why Japanese people get so red but I won't bore you with it. Next we moved on to quarter bounce. Unfortunately it was not completely authentic as we used an American quarter but it was still good fun and of course I rocked it.

James finally caught on in the end.

I also made my Japanese version of rice crispy cake which is any cereal I can find and marshmallows. They don't eat much cereal here because breakfast is exactly the same as other meals with rice, miso soup and fish so rice crispies are very difficult to come by. I also added chocolate chips for some extra flavour but many of the Japanese people said it was too sweet (they don't like much sweet food). I was slightly insulted and then I tried it and thought the same. Misael and a few others loved it so perhaps I will make it again.

Dad you should be proud of me I introduced them to the Lemon Hart Rum. There is a foreign food store in the city where you can buy any alcohol and so I brought this to the party as well. Tsubo really enjoyed it and shared the bottle with me.

Iwan and Misael both decided to shave their heads, perhaps for the onset of sweat season. Iwan unfortunately had a mishap and shaved a chunk almost completely off in the back. To the great amusement of others he didn't realize this and was visiting the local izakaya before someone pointed it out to him.

These pictures are from the Tsubo and if you think I was taking pictures of my food for arrogance sake, I was not. Japanese people, for whatever reason, love to take pictures of food.

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