Friday, August 22, 2008

Pimp my Keitai

Perhaps I am behind the times and cellphone stickers (or as some call it bling) have crossed the ocean and are popular in North America but when I came to Japan it was all new and blindingly sparkly to me. As I said in my previous post, Japanese cellphones are already pretty cool to start with but they are into the bright, sparkly and outrageous "Pimped out Keitai" (cellphone in Japanese). Most people will have at least a few stickers on their keitai. My Japanese English teacher has had hers' professionally done for about $40.00. She has a sparkly cat and some gemstone but her keitai is almost mundane compared with the glitz that is out there!

There are the gemstones...

And the adhereable food!

The famous gemstones.

and more...

Don't you guys feel left out they have a sparkly line catered toward more manly designs!

Strapya seems to be a good place to buy bling, as well, if you are so inclined, I'm not.

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