Thursday, February 26, 2009

musical again!

Musical performances have begun and so have the after performance revelries. This year we are doing Snow white (who is a male) and the Seven Samurai. It is quite a wacky adaptation but we've had good reviews. Before our performance a few weeks ago I rounded up some people to go skating because I have had this strange urge to go. We had all levels of skater with us but the crappy skates we were provided didn't help anyone. It was like riding a bike though with one flat tire!

That night we celebrated Holly's goodbye because she was leaving Japan. The show must go on though so our director is going to assume her role!

Learned that giving the peace sign upwards is a way of say f you in England so Courtney and I are give the non-profane version!

1 comment:

Naomi Nicole Schrock said...

haha, ohhh good times and NICE PICS ;) actually just made a folder of ALL pics with your name on it. don't quite know how 300+ are going to fit onto one or five CDs :)