Friday, August 03, 2007

fuji rocku

Spent the last weekend in beautiful Yuzawa at a rock concert strangely named Fuji rock (no where near mt. Fuji). Apparently, in the years before there have been really big bands as headliners but this year I thought the line-up kind of stunk. The big bands were The Cure, Beastie Boys and Iggy Pop, all has beens in my opinion. As such I ended up discovering many less know bands that rocked my world. The weather threatened rain but it held off until the end, nonetheless rubber boots were a staple fashion item. Iwan graciously drove us and to my shock did not play a single reggae CD!

Many of the other ALTs decided to camp but we opted for a Japanese style hotel. The room was barely big enough for the four futons and we had a colony of ants tickling us while we slept. Also, there were no western toilets in sight but it did they job.

They had a funky club area set up with random statues and oddities. Unfortunately I never really checked it out, perhaps next year.

Lily Allen

I was looking forward to seeing Feist but she was on the farthest stage which was about a 30 minute walk from the main. She ended up playing my favourite song first and I only vaguely heard it while I was running to get there.

Massive slabs of meat for the kebabs (which is meat in a pita?).

The Shins

Favourite by far was the John Butler Trio. Evan had introduced this Australian band to me earlier this year and they were amazing! I am not much for instrumental solos but the guitar solo practically made me cry. Unfortunately, they were only slotted for an hour so they weren't able to play much. I will definitely go see them if they happen to be anywhere near me in the future!


Shelley said...

Wow, sounds like there were some good bands there! I love the John Butler Trio (Luc introduced me to them, as he has many 'lesser known', really good bands.. :) )
I keep meaning to download some Feist because she's apparently really good too (I know I hear her on the radio but I always forget what songs she sings). Oh, and just out of curiosity - when you say 'futons' in the hotel room, are you referring to those mat things on the floor? Is that what you had to sleep on?? Talk about zero comfort!!? :)

Later gator!

Jenelle said...

Feist is great Shelley I think you would really like her.