Saturday, October 27, 2007

blogger has failed me

Well I have been attempting to upload pictures for a week or two, during the limited time I have with the internet, and for some stupid reason blogger has been incapable. Thus I have not blogged for a while. Fall is here again in all its glory and the weather is getting cooler. This year is much cooler than last and apparently we are in for a lot of snow because there have been many bodies of a particular insect running around. The musical has begun again and I have decided to join. I was planning on being head of tech but now it seems I am acting. School is running smoothly and I am definitely kept busy on most days. I almost lost my voice yesterday from yelling at a bunch of rambunctious pre-school and elementary school kids but it is often fun. So since this blog is so enthralling I am going to cut off and keep you wanting more ;)........

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