Since September I have acquired two new elementary schools and two pre-schools though I think I only visit the pre-schools once. I really enjoy my new schools, there are some really great teachers and cute kids. I think my kids have gotten use to me at Mikawa and the novelty has worn off so it is nice going to a school where the kids follow me wherever I go if I leave the teacher's room. My self intro is pretty good at this point though Jim seems to think his is the best ( I only did mine 12 times and he has many more schools than I). I always have a question session after my self intro and I have been asked some pretty interesting or ridiculous questions. Here are some of my favourites.
How many schools are in Canada?
Have you ever seen a UFO?
What is your cat's favourite food?
What is your favourite accessory? (from a second grade boy)
Have you ever been attacked by a bear?
What is your favourite gemstone?
One class was particularly obsessed with my father.
How old is your father?
When is his birthday?
How tall is he?
What is his favourite food?
What is his favourite colour?
They didn't even ask any of these questions about me :(
They always get a kick out of the fact that my mother is a principal because most mothers around these parts are homemakers and I think in the whole of my prefecture there are three female principals.
1 comment:
ha ha ha!!! brilliant! love the questions
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