I am busy studying for a Japanese test that I will likely not pass. I have not failed however because I have learned so much in the studying it is like a whole new world has open. I never bothered with kanji before and now I can walk around and read signs and train schedules! Anyhow, since I am studying I don't have time upload pictures and what not so here is an amusing take on the Japanese are form of origami.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007

The Riders have ended their 18 year drought and have brought home the Grey Cup for the third time ever. I was alone watching it on CBC broadband at 8:00 Monday morning in Japan. The broadcast was not very good but I would have regretted had I not seen it at all. The game was not great but the defence played their hearts out. I wish I could be Regina to celebrate with everyone hope you all partied well for me!
Monday, November 19, 2007
I wish I could be there to celebrate it. Please feel sad for me sitting here alone watching the game or not even watching the game at all. If anyone has suggestions as to how I can watch the game please let me know. Now we play the bummers our greatest rival and after a horrible loss at the banjo bowl Lord Grey's trophy is a wonderful way to redeem ourselves.
Here are some fans partying it up on Albert and Vic, the intersection of the main streets in Regina.
I wish I could be there to celebrate it. Please feel sad for me sitting here alone watching the game or not even watching the game at all. If anyone has suggestions as to how I can watch the game please let me know. Now we play the bummers our greatest rival and after a horrible loss at the banjo bowl Lord Grey's trophy is a wonderful way to redeem ourselves.
Here are some fans partying it up on Albert and Vic, the intersection of the main streets in Regina.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
frolicking in a fall fairytale
Misael and I made use of a day without rain and went to frolic in the leaves. It has been raining non-stop here so it was definitely welcome. We went into the small mountains of Gosen and discovered a beautiful little waterfall. The surrounding area was almost magical with fallen leaves strewn about and the perfect light causing the water to glimmer. I wish the pictures could do it justice. We followed a path into the woods that was much longer than we expected. We were busy panting up some log stairs when a few little old women, or perhaps they were fairies, passed us a double our speed. The walk was worth it when we emerged into a clearing half expecting ninjas to leap off the roof of a wonderful shrine. Most places in Japan are either too commercialized or too rustic to conjure times gone past but this shrine was straight out of a movie. The shrine had a beautiful rock garden with stunning fall foliage and we tramped through the leaves and marveled at the beauty .

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Saskatchewan Roughriders!!!!!!

I mistyped in my previous blog entry it was not the semi-finals but the quarter-finals the Riders had at home and they WON!!!! I was reduced to getting my game information from a group of people on an online chat. Amidst the "I have heart" "KJ, KJ, KJ, KJ" and some strange guy who kept typing "SUPERSOAK this" I ended up learning the Riders barely eked out a win though the score did not reflect the actual play and the Riders should have been up much more. They are off to Vancouver this weekend to battle the Lions who are at the top in the West. It has been touted throughout the CFL that the Riders have the most loyal fans and it would be nice if this year our loyalty paid off. If they make it to the Greycup I will find somehow, someway to watch that game from Nihon!!!!!

Friday, November 09, 2007
another Halloween in kancho land
Sorry just bitter about the recent rash of kanchos anyhow...
Had Halloween in the city again. Northern Lights then Immigrant's Cafe and was a good time again. I had to work that day and the day after but managed to enjoy myself nonetheless. I think I met a million new people that night (mostly Japanese) and have had a chance to catch up with a few since. I found a Japanese person who plays football, real football not soccer, which is incredibly rare in this country. Half the people think rugby and football are the same sport! Well not too much else to say bout it. These pictures are not a montage of moi but I didn't end up taking many.

Roughriders have the Semi-finals at home this weekend! GO RIDERS GO! I bleed green even in kancho land.
Had Halloween in the city again. Northern Lights then Immigrant's Cafe and was a good time again. I had to work that day and the day after but managed to enjoy myself nonetheless. I think I met a million new people that night (mostly Japanese) and have had a chance to catch up with a few since. I found a Japanese person who plays football, real football not soccer, which is incredibly rare in this country. Half the people think rugby and football are the same sport! Well not too much else to say bout it. These pictures are not a montage of moi but I didn't end up taking many.

Roughriders have the Semi-finals at home this weekend! GO RIDERS GO! I bleed green even in kancho land.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
regatta was when?
The regatta was sometime in September but since I only recently received the pictures...
Our team was dubbed "Los Magnificos" since Evan only had dumb gajin references and Misael wasn't willing to go with them thus our Spanish name. Anyhow, none of us had rowed before besides Evan in the years before and needless to say we were terrible. The boys got pretty offended when the trainer said I was outrowing them during the training session and they needed to buck up. I knew my strong thighs would be a benefit someday! Iwan loves to dress up so we went with cheesy 70's sporty attire, though Evan ended up looking like a skinny Australian amphibious creature. Our first race was lost due to Iwan's lack of control over his feet and once they went flying in the air with his paddle asunder we were leagues behind. Our second race we lost Misael but gained the valiant Eagle from Australia. He had never rowed a day in his life but was a natural and we even ended up beating two teams, unfortunately we could not advance because of the member change but the win was oh so sweet.

Hoisting our friend Rie as the victory cup!!!
Our team was dubbed "Los Magnificos" since Evan only had dumb gajin references and Misael wasn't willing to go with them thus our Spanish name. Anyhow, none of us had rowed before besides Evan in the years before and needless to say we were terrible. The boys got pretty offended when the trainer said I was outrowing them during the training session and they needed to buck up. I knew my strong thighs would be a benefit someday! Iwan loves to dress up so we went with cheesy 70's sporty attire, though Evan ended up looking like a skinny Australian amphibious creature. Our first race was lost due to Iwan's lack of control over his feet and once they went flying in the air with his paddle asunder we were leagues behind. Our second race we lost Misael but gained the valiant Eagle from Australia. He had never rowed a day in his life but was a natural and we even ended up beating two teams, unfortunately we could not advance because of the member change but the win was oh so sweet.
Hoisting our friend Rie as the victory cup!!!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
wakingu sukuru (walking school)
This fall semster I was invited along on a couple of hikes with one of my elementary school and my junior high school. I have discovered I really enjoy hiking and was more than willing to skip a day of classes. My elementary school undertook a 20km hike which was pretty difficult for the 5th and 6th grades, who had to go the full length. It was a beautiful day and a new school so it was a great way to get to know the kids and have some fun. My JHS on the other hand did a grueling 25km hike that was a constant up and down course. Either my body is suited for this form of exercise or my student are simply complainers because they run for their clubs everyday and were constantly complaining on the hike how tired they were. It was difficult but I enjoyed pushing my body in that way and the stiffness the next day was a not unwelcome reminder. Both of these course were partially along an old stone road from Shibata city (in Niigata) to Edo (the former name of Tokyo). Being the history buff that I am it was exciting to walk along this route but I can only imagine the difficulties the original travelers encountered. We walked for a full day and did not leave our town, the route was often precarious and steep, and I can't imagine any pack animals along it so they probably had to carry everything themselves. It would have been quite an undertaking!

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