About thirty years ago the Agano river (runs through my town) flooded and killed a bunch of people. A famous Japanese composer wrote a five part song about the flood and my school sings it every year at their culture festival. Since I have been here it has been the only song they have sung besides the school song... so today I nearly fell out of my chair when the strains of Joy to the World came to my ears. I was shocked at the musical variety and figured that I would be hearing "ande heban ande naturu singu" over and over for the next week but they continued to belt out the Christmas songs including Silent Night and Angels We Have Heard on High. The last song is difficult for English speakers to sing mainly because of the Latin but to hear it sung in Japanese English is crazy.
It sounds like
anegelese we habe heardo on high
suweetelyu singingu obere the prainese
ande the mountains in repulyu
eko ingu deir joyusu sutraines.
Grrrrrrooooooooria in esucersusu daio
No matter how bad they butcher them I will take them over listening to the Aganogawa for the five hundredth time. Besides gets me that little bit more into the Christmas mood.
PS: I see it is getting warm back home, if there is not snow when I get there I am going to hurt someone.