I seem to know many people who were birthed into the world around this time of year. We celebrated Justine's birthday this past weekend. Went to Northern Lights for a round or two and then to Immigrants cafe. I bailed out at that point but I know the party went on until late morning. Next day we went to Indus in Shibata for a delicious curry lunch. Before coming to Japan I think I had tried curry twice. Now I probably eat it at least two times a month. I do enjoy it though especially with nan.
The birthday girl!

A full table of food. Jon's curry was much more crimson in hue than the rest of ours and he had a difficult time getting it down. Justine and the Shibata crew frequent this place so often the owner gave her a bottle of wine. The tag on it said "to Kristy"! Oh well, it is the thought that counts.
This weekend will be celebrating Misael's and Kristen's birthdays. Happy Birthday to all those back home celebrating around now...Kerri, Christina, Alanna, Anna, Corinne, Jason, Sarah hope you have a good one! AND DOUG...are you happy now?
i could murder an Indus curry right now......
I can't believe you are no sick of it going that often!
Thank you Jenelle. I do feel much better now. Oh sure, you forgot me originally but hey, better late than never right?
Because that is what I live for Doug...to make you happy!
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