Thursday, December 27, 2007

christmas in canada

Well after the 26 hours it took to get here it was nice to have Christmas with the family. I had a Tim Horton's Ice Cap as soon as I sighted the place and it was lovely! I think my taste buds are going to crap in Japan because I also sampled a cinnamon bun and I found it too sweet. I don't think that concept even existed to me before. It is funny comparing the flights of American airlines and Canadian. On Air Canada the white population was under fifty percent with the other being people with different national backgrounds but Canadian. The lines for the American airlines were almost solely white. With the massive amount of white people I catch myself thinking that I know them or they look familiar. I also bowed to a lady in the drug store! I find that I am incredibly more polite than I have ever been but I am hesitant to ask for help with anything. Only here for 6 more days so need to make the most of it!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Ugh, I agree with you on the cinnamon buns - just the smell of them is enough to make me feel sick... They are the epitome of way too much friggin sugar!

So was Santa good to you? :)