Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Since Justine asked so nicely I figured I should post some Halloween pic, although I didn't get that many. Melissa took a bunch of great one so maybe I'll steal them from her later. We went into the big o'l city and hit up a couple gajin bars.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Playing catch up II
Well, I still do not have internet so I am still a couple weeks behind on my posts. However, I must relate my first experience with nato. I have been asked about the elusive nato quite frequently. One of students favourite questions is "Do you like nato?" Thus far I have been unable to answer. Now I know for sure the answer is NO! God and Satan and Buddha and all other gods would not be able to compel me to eat it ever again. I had asked others about it and they explained it looks like snot and it tastes like paint thinner and I had kind of scoffed at their answers. We had nato today for school lunch and it looked unassuming enough...some beans with vegetables, albeit a bit gooey and stringy. Well, it is not just gross it seems carcinogenic or something. It tastes like what you would imagine bleach or another cleaning product might and it feels like it emits fumes in your mouth.

Anyhow back to the weekend of the 13th.
We decided to go for a hike in Kanose despite my teachers claiming I shouldn't because they would be worried for me. It wasn't a long hike but I am out of shape so I lost a couple buckets of sweat. I really enjoy hiking and the view from the top was spectacular. At one point there was a fairly large animal running away from us. Perhaps it was one of those bears? After the hike we stopped at the local waterfall and took some pics. Misael dropped his sunglasses into the falls but luckily was able to find them again. I attempted to put my hand under the falls but the last few step would have been above my waist so I left it for another day. Later that night we went to Masters and were shown to the VIP area in the back. He doesn't have a menu so he just whips up a meal and you better like. Luckily, I did! It is kind of a serve yourself bar and we were mixing any alcohol we recognized. A few of us ended up drinking a amber rum, Malibu and coke concoction. The alcohol lead to karaoke and I finally sang my first song. I think James' voice covered my anyway! Master has a beautiful voice and he sang some Frank Sinatra and Edelweiss. I didn't expect to hear that here.
Had to get up extra early to pick up Melissa and Kristen in Niitsu and drive to Tokomachi for a musical rehearsal. Man, was it was nice driving on a double lane highway. Most of the highways around Aga are single lane and the speed limit is 50km. I know it doesn't sound like a highway to me either. On the expressway the speed limit is 80km but everyone drives faster so it was very liberating and helped my road rage immeasurably. We finally received the collection
of props from last year and were able to begin painting. Another drinking party that night and to bed at 6:00.
Another day of painting and a long drive back to Niigata for Scott's birthday party at a Brazilian steak restaurant. It is $40.00 for all you can eat and the meat is absolutely delicious, especially after having little beef. Was home fairly late and the next day of school was rough.
We decided to go for a hike in Kanose despite my teachers claiming I shouldn't because they would be worried for me. It wasn't a long hike but I am out of shape so I lost a couple buckets of sweat. I really enjoy hiking and the view from the top was spectacular. At one point there was a fairly large animal running away from us. Perhaps it was one of those bears? After the hike we stopped at the local waterfall and took some pics. Misael dropped his sunglasses into the falls but luckily was able to find them again. I attempted to put my hand under the falls but the last few step would have been above my waist so I left it for another day. Later that night we went to Masters and were shown to the VIP area in the back. He doesn't have a menu so he just whips up a meal and you better like. Luckily, I did! It is kind of a serve yourself bar and we were mixing any alcohol we recognized. A few of us ended up drinking a amber rum, Malibu and coke concoction. The alcohol lead to karaoke and I finally sang my first song. I think James' voice covered my anyway! Master has a beautiful voice and he sang some Frank Sinatra and Edelweiss. I didn't expect to hear that here.
Had to get up extra early to pick up Melissa and Kristen in Niitsu and drive to Tokomachi for a musical rehearsal. Man, was it was nice driving on a double lane highway. Most of the highways around Aga are single lane and the speed limit is 50km. I know it doesn't sound like a highway to me either. On the expressway the speed limit is 80km but everyone drives faster so it was very liberating and helped my road rage immeasurably. We finally received the collection
of props from last year and were able to begin painting. Another drinking party that night and to bed at 6:00.
Another day of painting and a long drive back to Niigata for Scott's birthday party at a Brazilian steak restaurant. It is $40.00 for all you can eat and the meat is absolutely delicious, especially after having little beef. Was home fairly late and the next day of school was rough.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Playing catch up
I have not had Internet at home for a few weeks thus my blog is way behind. Where to begin....? On October 6th my school had a welcome enkai (drinking party) for me at a beautiful ryokan (traditional Japanese hotel). It was a pretty good time...decent Japanese food...all you can drink, etc. The first party lasted for two hours and then we went to the second party, which was karaoke and then we went to the onsen. An onsen is what we would call hot springs but they are absolutely everywhere in Japan. It is quite a ritual to go. Men and women have separate onsens because one ventures into the waters in the nude. Before going into the water one lathers oneself up at sitting showers. After getting out of the water the ryokan provided yukata (a light kimono type dress) to wear and there are areas available for a nap. We went back to our room where the five of us slept on futons on the floor that the ryokan staff had laid out. All in all enjoyable besides having to leave at 7:00 the next morning.
I drove a group of us to a gajin party up north. It ended up taking 2 hours to get there. It was a decent party though I could not drink since I was suppose to run a relay race the next day. Japanese people are a pretty quiet lot and I was stunned how loud a group of foreigners can be. I did not get home until 3:00am. I was incredibly pumped about running at 7:00 the next day! ...hope the sarcasm comes through
I woke up at 6:00am to sheets of rain pounding my window. A quick look outside confirmed typhoon like rain and winds. I went back to sleep after praying for the storm god to continue his punishment for a while longer, preventing me from running the stupid race. An hour later my JTE called and to my relief informed me the race was cancelled. We all had a holiday the next day so James and I went to Gosen, where Misael lives, and had a night of karaoke. Karaoke is huge in Japan and people often practice at home. I don't sing but I still enjoy going. We went with Misael's friend Minori and a Japanese couple (Tsubo and Noriko). Noriko is awesome; she loves country music and sang a bunch of Shania Twain and Faith Hill.
Went to Melissa's place in Niitsu for a delicious Canadian thanksgiving. She bought a couple small chickens which she cooked in her microwave/oven and had potatoes, the most amazing stuffing ever, coleslaw, and more. I made some pumpkin pie which turned out surprisingly good since I later realised a Japanese cup is 200ml compared to 250ml in Canada which the recipe called for.
I drove a group of us to a gajin party up north. It ended up taking 2 hours to get there. It was a decent party though I could not drink since I was suppose to run a relay race the next day. Japanese people are a pretty quiet lot and I was stunned how loud a group of foreigners can be. I did not get home until 3:00am. I was incredibly pumped about running at 7:00 the next day! ...hope the sarcasm comes through
I woke up at 6:00am to sheets of rain pounding my window. A quick look outside confirmed typhoon like rain and winds. I went back to sleep after praying for the storm god to continue his punishment for a while longer, preventing me from running the stupid race. An hour later my JTE called and to my relief informed me the race was cancelled. We all had a holiday the next day so James and I went to Gosen, where Misael lives, and had a night of karaoke. Karaoke is huge in Japan and people often practice at home. I don't sing but I still enjoy going. We went with Misael's friend Minori and a Japanese couple (Tsubo and Noriko). Noriko is awesome; she loves country music and sang a bunch of Shania Twain and Faith Hill.
Went to Melissa's place in Niitsu for a delicious Canadian thanksgiving. She bought a couple small chickens which she cooked in her microwave/oven and had potatoes, the most amazing stuffing ever, coleslaw, and more. I made some pumpkin pie which turned out surprisingly good since I later realised a Japanese cup is 200ml compared to 250ml in Canada which the recipe called for.

Shanna, me, Melissa, Paul and Kristen the token American.

Kristen, Justine, Shanna, Anna and I at Anna's party in Nakajo. Wow Canadians out number!
So I had been told there are monkeys in my area but I had not seen nor heard any monkey like activity. My Japanese English teacher, here in referred to as JTE, is new to my school and area as well and she had not seen them either. Last week the clerk at my school offhandedly said something about a monkey walking outside. She jumped up and started yelling saru (monkey) and we both made a mad dash to the roof of the school. The monkeys were sauntering around the school yard not a bit concerned by us watching. The PE teacher, who is reminiscent of a samurai, was yelling at one unfortunate monkey who decided the soccer net would make an interesting jungle gym. We spent a whole period out there watching the monkeys. Apparently they come down from the higher mountains once it starts to get cold. I am not sure if they stick around here for the winter or move farther south. That was my first monkey experience, however, I was in much closer proximity to the furry creatures on Tuesday when I had to stop on the main highway to allow them to cross. There were probably around 15 monkeys migrating, if that is what you call it, and once again completely unconcerned about speeding traffic. Unfortunately I did not have my camera but here is a picture from the roof.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Another week gone.
Wow the time is flying by. School last week was pretty uneventful; it is becoming quite routine now. I joined karate in my town which is interesting. I dont really feel like I am learning too much we simply stand facing the sensei while he demonstrates a punch and then copy him. I am the newbie so he has the high ranked students stand by me and instruct. They cant speak to me so they simply show me the move over and over again meanwhile I am sure they are thinking I look like an uncoordinated idiot. After we are done going through different punches and kicks the older students and us gaijin(alien) stand in rows and act as punching bags for the young children. You wouldnt think a six year old can hit but sometimes being hit or kicked repeatedly in the same spot can smart. Finally, we get a chance to beat on each other. At first I was hesitant about hitting people but I am getting over that and am able to hit the boys but when I am paired with the Japanese students (who are around thirteen but could whoop my uncoordinated ass to Timbuktu) I still have trouble. It is pretty good exercise which is good because there is no gym anywhere near where I live and due to the mass of bear sightings around my area I have nixed running outside. The only part I really dislike is the occasional time we have to do the middle splits and this strange sitting position. I am completely unable to do it. You sit on your knees with your feet pointing away from your body to the side. It doesnt help that we are required to do this on a hardwood floor. Once I master this position however Jean Claude better watch out!

Monday, October 02, 2006
The Monday After
Well it is the Monday after my birthday weekend and it is a wee bit rough. The weekend was tons of fun but did not contain much sleep. Friday went to the Canadian bar called the Northern Lights and had a bit of a get together. The owner was giving free shots of rye and thus I was a tad in my cups. We then had poor Iwan drive a drunken group of us to Casanova's place in Gosen where we were suppose to go to a karaoke but we all just stayed at his place. Little to no sleep that night because the AC was on way high and I only had half a blanket plus his fancy apple computer decided to announce the time every half an hour...it is now 6 hours *meaning six oclock*. Saturday finally got a cellphone after a two hour process. Everything in Japan takes a long time because there is so much protocol and paperwork. That night went out to a bar in my town the local ALT's affectionately call the Ya. The bartender slash owner Yasko speaks English. Ended up doing some shots that night as well and felt slightly sick the next day. Now I have to spend a Monday doing nothing because my Japanese English teacher is not at school for the third day in a row and so all my English classes are cancelled. Yayyyy!
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