Pre-party picture.

On the train! Nice thing about trains and Japan is you can drink on route to the party!

I think the theme for this photo was "tough" but Johanna was the only who got it right.

Whenever I encounter Shanna at a party her line is always "Let's take a Canadian picture" so here are a couple of interesting "Canadian pictures".
I had heard about many Japanese men being slightly perverted ie, stealing women's underwear from their clothing lines, grabbing bums on the trains and vending machines that sell used women's underwear. Personally I haven't encountered anything of the sort but this weekend was to be an exception. Now before any details don't worry for me I am bigger and stronger than most Japanese men and am not worried for myself in any way (mom... I take karate). Anyhow, the first encounter occurred the night of the party. We walked to Johanna's car and noticed the car next ours was slightly steamed up. Initially figured it was a couple and was prepared to ignore but someone noticed it was a solitary man enjoying himself in flagrant display. Not only was he highly visible but he was wearing fishnet stockings and a pink camisole? Courageous girls, liberally doused with alcohol decided to knock on the window but to our great surprise and amusement he must have been too involved. What can you even say about this?
Anyhow the next day we went to a giant phallus festival and more antics ensued. I am too lazy to write about it and Pamela summed it up nicely so here is the link to her blog.
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